Where can I find the guidelines for SmartPOS?

A8 Guideline: Download A9 Guideline: Download Tutorial Videos To select which video to play, you can click the list icon  in the upper right corner to view the...


How to order the thermal paper for SmartPOS?

The thermal paper can be purchased from bizMART by HKT https://www.clublike.com.hk/smartpos-a8-thermal-paper.html


How long does it take from application to live?

Assume all supporting documents are ready, and it usually takes around 7-28 working days.


Can it accept the payment from Mainland China Alipay or WeChatPay account by local customer?

No, it only accepts the payment from Hong Kong Alipay or WeChatPay by the local customer.


Can it accept payment from Mainland China Alipay or WeChatPay account by Mainland tourists?

Yes, it does accept payment from Mainland China Alipay or WeChatPay account by Mainland tourists.


Is there any relocation fee?

The relocation fee is $1,000. During the promotional period, the relocation fee will be waived until further notice.
